Welcome to the Town of Islip’s Comprehensive Plan Website
The Town of Islip is embarking on a journey to create a comprehensive plan that will guide our community’s growth and development for the next 20 years and beyond. This plan will serve as a roadmap, addressing critical areas such as land use, housing, transportation, economic development, environmental sustainability, and quality of life.
Why "TOI360"?
In two decades, it will be just over 360 years since William Nicoll purchased land from the Secatogue Nation in 1683. The number 360 also represents this full-circle opportunity to look back at our history, thoroughly examine growth patterns and land use trends, assess current community priorities, and collaboratively develop a shared vision for Islip’s future.
Focus Areas
Overall, the Plan presents a blueprint for sustainable growth and development, and will focus on the eight themes highlighted below. Click on a focus area to find out more.
Shaping Our Future Together
The best way to shape the future of Islip is by working together with our residents, businesses, and community organizations, to better understand issues and opportunities. The public outreach process will include a variety of ways to get involved, including public workshops, online surveys and exercises, focus group meetings, and other targeted outreach.
Take the Public Survey and Share Your Ideas!
We encourage everyone to share their ideas through 3 different virtual tools. A Public Survey, an "Ideas Wall," and an Interactive Map. Please visit each tool by clicking the buttons below.
Stay Informed
As we move forward, we'll update this page with details on upcoming events, draft documents, and other important information. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates, announcements, and opportunities to engage. To receive email updates about TOI360, please provide your contact information below. Your email address will remain confidential and will not be shared.